CTG Resource Page


Variant Rules and Play Aids

for the

Epic Game of Politics and Grand Strategy

originally from

CTG NIE Statistics for Ranked Games, 11/26/2017

CTG NIE Rules Version 1.9, 3/9/2018

A variant / expansion rule set for Napoleon in Europe.

Includes Rule Book, Charts, Nation Cards, Scenarios, Quick Start Guide, PBI Guidelines, Empire Score Record, and Stickers (4MB .zip file).

NIE and ACW Flag Decals, 9/18/2018

Email ctgnie@sbcglobal.net for information about these flag stickers.

Army Screens, 12/3/2015

Small screens to hide pieces on Army Cards.

Army Cards With Flags, 1st set, 3/16/2005 2nd set, 1/29/2021

7" wide cards to organize your armies off the map. Use with flag bearers (painted with numbers) to represent your armies on the map.

How to Make:  For best results, laser print in color on adhesive (label) paper. Apply to thick poster board and carefully trim to size.

Army Cards With Pictures, 1st set, 1/6/2004 2nd set, 1/6/2004

Joe Donnelly created these dramatic Army Cards, featuring low contrast pictures for each nation.

How to Make:  For best results, laser print in color on adhesive (label) paper. Apply to thick poster board and carefully trim to size.

Pictures of CTG NIE

Various pictures of the game in action.

How to Win Axis and Allies Style Games, 10/31/2006

An article I wrote about how to win games more often.

Historical Atlas of the Napoleonic Era

An excellent book I recommend to NIE players who want to easily understand the main aspects of Napoleonic history.

Send any questions or philosophical ramblings to:
Page last updated:  1/29/2021