CTG Resource Page


Variant Rules and Play Aids


The 3rd Edition of

1815 Waterloo Campaign Game

CTG 3rd Edition Napoleon House Rules, 8/15/04

A set of variant rules for the 3rd Edition of "Napoleon" (© Columbia Games).

I have found this variant to play much better than any other version or edition, including the 4th edition. It is based on the 3rd Edition 3.2 Rules and 3rd Edition Tournament Rules (still available at the links below).

CTG Napoleon Reference Sheet, 7/21/04

A play aid summarizing the variant's rules, inspired by Mark Coomey's excellent reference sheet designed for the standard game. This, along with the 3rd edition components and (hopefully) at least a double size enlarged map, are all you need to play this variant. I recommend trimming off the outside white border.

Gordon Highlanders' Regimental March:

Pronouncing Names on the Map

Ever wondered how to say Liège or Roeulx?


3rd Edition 3.2 Rules

3rd Edition Tournament Rules and Clarifications

Napoleon on BoardGameGeek.com

ConSimWorld Forum for Napoleon


Send any questions or philosophical ramblings to Alan Richbourg

Last updated on 1/8/2019

Napoleon is © 2013 Columbia Games Inc.